Sunday, October 20, 2013

24 Day Challenge Starts TOMORROW!

Tomorrow we'll be kicking off our group 24 Day Challenge. I am excited beyond words about getting healthy with my friends! I really need this change in my life and we are going to OWN this Challenge!

I've been overweight my entire life and I'm sick of it. I'm 25 years old and I feel awful most of the time. I'm tired and hot and bleh. I honestly feel that my weight and health keeps me from things I want.

This 24 Day Challenge is going to jumpstart my new lifestyle. I've done the Challenge before, but didn't have this amount of support and friends and family doing it with me. I lost 12 pounds and 19 inches. I did not keep the momentum going after that, but I have kept the weight off.

My favorite thing last time was that after the Challenge, I didn't crave food like I had before the Challenge.

I'm using this blog to share my journey and experiences with AdvoCare. I'll post tips and recipes we come up with along the way.

Today, I delivered the last few challenges out to our challengers. I went shopping and prepped our cleanse meals tonight with my cousin, Destiney.

I am an Aldi girl, through and through. However, we'd heard several times how the Asian markets have awesome fruits and vegetables super cheap. We decided we'd go to the Asian market first, then to Aldi. We never made it to Aldi. :) The Asian market was awesome and SO cheap. We got a ton of fruits and veggies for $40. This girl is a believer!!!


I rinsed everything in a sinkful of water with 1 cup of white vinegar. This is a good fruit / veggie wash and helps your produce last longer, too. 

This is the first time I've used this grater / slicer. I bought it at Aldi for $6.99. LOVE IT. It comes with 3 different plates - a small grater, a large grater, and a slicer. It's much easier than our regular grater, especially when you are doing a LOT of grating. 

We made several different variations of baked chicken with veggies and seasoning. Just throw in your chicken and whatever veggies you want and season. Bake at 350 for an hour. We had 5 pans of chicken going at once, so we left it in an extra 20 minutes or so.


 I used a lot of cilantro, parsley, thyme, lemon juice, rosemary, and pepper. I didn't use too much salt. Salt's okay to have on the cleanse, I just tried to season other ways.  

I also made some eggs. Instead of hard boiling, I baked them in a muffin pan. They taste better, they're easier to peel, and I hate messing with boiling them. A quick and easy snack that's cleanse friendly!

I also made some amazing turkey burgers. This is one of our favorites. I'll share the recipe in a later post. 

Off to bed for me! Psyched to start the cleanse phase in the morning! 

PS - If anyone has any questions about AdvoCare, let me know. I'm stoked to start this journey and would love to share with you. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing the useful information with us. Advocare has products for energy, losing weight, getting healthy and sports performance.Advocare challenge
