Wednesday, November 20, 2013

For Our Future Champions...

I am both disgusted and extremely excited to post these pics. It really bothers me to see how large I was. I didn't think I was thin, but it's so hard to see it all laid out like that. Anyways, instead of focusing on the before, I'm going to focus on the NOW! 

I labeled these pictures before and after, but they're really not afters since I'm still going strong! I know I have a long way to go, but for the first time in a long time, I have hope I'll get there!

I have been feeling so AMAZING. I finally have energy to do more that sit on my rump and watch TV all night. I don't even really crave greasy and fatty foods any more. My life has literally changed so much since we found AdvoCare. 

Hubby and I have been so impressed with everything that we've become distributors so that we can help others find success. 

He's slimmed down and even quit drinking Monster and Diet Coke (he was having 3-5 per day). So we were spending a ton of money and that stuff is awful for you on top of that. 

I am just honestly so stinking excited. 

I got a new website. It's, which I wanted to explain. 

Hubby and I are getting healthy. We're getting healthy so that we can be around for our future kids. We want to be able to run around at the park and practice sports with them and give them what they deserve. And that is 2 healthy parents who can keep up and will live long enough to see them grow up. 

We want to be champions for our kids. We want to be champion parents so that our kids will be champions in life. 

We found out that we could make income while sharing our success with others. We have some awesome and inspiring couples helping us. I am so grateful for them and their willingness to share their success with us. 

When we do have children, I'm so thankful for our plan to be able to stay home with our children. AdvoCare will be our vehicle to do that. 

So, we're doing it all for our future champions. 

I would love to share with anyone that has any questions. Feel free to comment or email me.

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