Thursday, November 7, 2013

Who has 2 thumbs and doesn't have stomach attacks anymore??

So, for the past few years I have had insane stomach attacks. They wake me up in the middle of the night, I'm up ALL night long and in absolutely unbearable pain. I have not gone to the ER because I have a high deductible plan, but I've been really close.  In August and September, I was having them several times a week.

I tried literally anything I could think of. I tried some vitamins like ginger root, I tried baking soda, apple cider vinegar, chewing fennel (ICK), coconut oil. I tried Tums and Pepto and Prilosec and Alka Seltzer. I tried laying in different positions, heating pad, hot baths, walking, running, sleeping sitting up. The only way to get through it was to take some sleepy medicine and go to sleep. (Which made for an awesome Nyquil hangover at work lots of days). :(

The doctor had me try Prilosec to see if that would ease things up at all. It didn't help and I found out Prilosec can actually worsen the problem, so I stopped taking it after a few weeks.

The doc took a sonogram and I have gallstones. He referred me to a GI. Anyways, I was planning to pay about 3K out of pocket to have it removed. Doesn't that sound like a good way to spend 3 grand? Yep, I thought so, too.

So, I was shopping the AdvoCare site a couple of months ago and saw Digest-Ease. I'd never heard of it but thought that it may help my digestive function, which couldn't hurt. I was really NOT expecting much of anything.

Here's the awesome part - 

I have not had a single stomach attack since the day I started taking Digest-Ease. For a few weeks, I was hesitant to say anything to anyone. However, it's been about  2 months and I'm still attack - free!!!!

Don't judge me, I had to do it. 

THIS is what got my so pumped about AdvoCare. The products literally change lives and I'm proof of that. :)

Needless to say, this guy goes along with me everywhere! I just take 1 pill right before eating.


If you want more info, comment on this post or you can check out the product page here:

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